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Animal Husbandry: Healthier Beef Steer, Breeding Bulls, Dairy Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Ducks, Turkeys and more...


How it works

The electron transport chain uses cytochromes to take the electrons from the broken down food (reagent), which leads to the production of energy and water. By providing the organism with a free electron source previously unavailable for cell metabolism, the Agrimaxx water provides extra energy in the form of raw electrons to drive the electron chain. This helps overcome any inhibitory factors to this process, which amounts to adding free fuel to the organism. The Agrimaxx treated water addresses poor digestion, faulty enzymes, inefficient or slow metabolism depleted food chain, including inhibiting factors in water as a result of scale, hardness, improper balance of dissolved solids or reagents in the water itself. This process also helps re-balance the salts in a correct manner for proper cellular metabolism or homeostasis.

Free electrons act as free radical scavengers (as free radicals are electron deprived), therefore neutralizing the negative impact of the free radicals, which prevents the cell damage related to the presence of free radicals.  This process allows the free electrons to coexist with the dynamic equilibrium potential of water, no matter how pure the pretreated water source.


In addition, the AgriMaxx ESP unit puts minerals like calcium, salt and iron into suspension, which allows these minerals to move through pipes and pump systems without attaching to the pipes, pumps, soils, plants etc. This makes the minerals benign to plants and animals, and also cleans out the existing scale from pipes, pumps, driplines, sprinklers, or anywhere hard water generally attaches to. This all happens using ONE AgriMaxx unit with a 110-volt power source: no chemicals to add, filters to change or new parts to purchase. 


Success Stories:

A Texas rancher reported that his cattle prefer AgriMaxx ESP treated water over rainwater when given a choice. Ranchers have also reported the following:

  • Farm animals have been observed to put on more weight while eating less food

  • Need for hormones and antibiotics reduced or eliminated

  • Healthier Animals

    • Fewer veterinarian visits and bills

    • Improved mortality rates

    • Calmer animals (chicken don't peck each other, dairy cows are more docile when being milked)

A farmer installed a unit on his main water supply and a dual box on the drinking water for his chickens. His local water supply runs from 3,600-3,800 PPM  of salts and was never fed to the chickens because of the salts. He hauled an average of 17,000 GPD of sweet water for the chickens’ drinking water. After the AgriMaxx ESP unit was installed, he stopped all sweet water and gave the chickens the local raw water. He saved the cost of the sweet water for the 120,000 chickens, and the mortality rate went from about 8% to less than 1%. His chickens grew to selling weights 5 days ahead of normal, weighing 2 kilograms in 35 days instead of 40-42 days, which saved him several tons of feed.



White Chicken
Cows drinking
Animal brown horse
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*Money back guarantee is based off full customer satisfaction and is valid for 1 year from the delivery of the unit. Each unit does require a small, non-refundable deposit that will not be returned in the case of a customer satisfaction claim, in which a customer requires a refund and return of the Agrimaxx unit(s). Customer must give Agrimaxx the opportunity to fix issues with the purchased unit or replace faulty units before initiating a money back claim.

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