Agrimaxx ESP Water Conditioning System
The Agrimaxx ESP (Energy System Plus) system is not a salt-based water softener or reverse osmosis system. The Agrimaxx ESP water unit is a patented electronic device that works with the ion structure of the water in order to achieve optimal water composition. It is the latest scientific application of an age-old principle based on the fundamental laws of physics. Water that passes through a controlled electrostatic field in the unit is treated by a patented wave which creates improved taste, scale reduction, reduced odor and reduction of other significant problems in water sources.
The Agrimaxx ESP system makes a "wetter water" by loosening the ionic bond in the water molecules, which reduces water surface tension and allows water to move or spread more efficiently. Minerals and other key components to a plant’s health remain in the water, but the system reduces the extra energy that would ordinarily be required for basic nutrient acquisition. After treatment, the plant has the necessary energy it needs to produce hormones in their proper quantities, as well as vitamins, sugars, starches and proteins necessary for proper metabolism. Simply put: the plant will have additional energy to produce growth and reproduction in greater amounts than it would have without the Agrimaxx ESP water unit.
The process also allows the free electrons to capture salts in the water and render them less likely to cause salt burn (which is typical with water that has heavy salt content). This benefit is ideal for any plant, but especially those that are extra sensitive to the presence of salt. The free electrons are able to take the salts to the subsoil, well below the root structure, and return them to the natural water table. As a result plants are able to grow with fewer, if any, problems relating to excessive salt in the water. Local soil makeup will determine how far into the subsoil the salt content can go, but the unit will be effective regardless of your soil composition.
Soils treated with Agrimaxx ESP water have shown increased colloidal properties. The need for fertilizer is significantly reduced, and since the plant materials are utilizing the water more efficiently, watering frequency is reduced. Negatively charged water has shown potential to decrease insect populations as well, and the Agrimaxx system can be customized to chase off insects that have been identified as having a negative impact to a given operation. The grower saves on chemical/labor and increases net profit as a result of healthier plants with higher yields.
Valves, pipes, spray heads, spray equipment and other equipment have longer lives using the Agrimaxx ESP System, which decreases monetary costs to producers and decreases environmental costs to the general population as a whole. Standard maintenance and repairs on equipment are reduced and customers see much less downtime in water dependent production equipment using the ESP unit. All these little benefits translate into huge money and time savings, while increasing efficiency throughout the operation.
The Agrimaxx Water Device And Transpiration

The water of the Agrimaxx ESP system helps clear leaf surfaces of salt accumulation for better water, mineral and nutrient uptake in the roots. Transpiration through the plant leaf is affected by the reduction of hydrogen bonding. As the hydrogen bond of the water has been reduced, transpiration may take place faster resulting in greater uptake of more water and nutrients. An additional result is a greater root, stem and leaf turgidity resulting in fuller plants. Since the unit’s water aids in eliminating the salts on leaf surfaces, more photosynthesis can take place resulting in stronger growth.
The Agrimaxx Water Device And Roots/Soil

As a result of the surfactant “wetter water” effect, soil percolation is much greater and more efficient. The water of this unit helps keep the root area cleared of salts which will result in greater water, nutrient and mineral uptake. As a result of surrounding the water, minerals, nutrients, etc. with the negative charge, the items are separated and stabilized so they are more available to the plant in a form that can more readily be used.
The Agrimaxx Water And Plant Energy

Easier access to more available nutrients results in less energy being used by the plant to acquire its water and nutrients. This results in additional energy being available for the purpose of plant maintenance and growth, as well as increased insect and disease resistance. As a result of greater “passive” movement of nutrients into the plant, energy may also be conserved. The resultant sequestering effect of the unit’s water means less fertilizers/nutrients will be required. Resulting in both fertilizer/nutrient savings and energy conservation by the plant.
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*Money back guarantee is based off full customer satisfaction and is valid for 1 year from the delivery of the unit. Each unit does require a small, non-refundable deposit that will not be returned in the case of a customer satisfaction claim, in which a customer requires a refund and return of the Agrimaxx unit(s). Customer must give Agrimaxx the opportunity to fix issues with the purchased unit or replace faulty units before initiating a money back claim.